Our Roadmap

StockShiba strives to make a difference in the world. Follow our milestones along the way.

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Since 2022

StockShiba Marketplace


Rachel decides to sell some of her photography online

She quickly learns how underserved & underpaid the stock media industry is for artists

Summer 2022

Houston, TX


She decides to research the industry

It was clear right away that the industry needed something completely new

July 2022


The idea for an ethically-sourced stock media marketplace was born

She knew artist protection and philanthropy would be a part of the business

August 2022


With a complete business plan and market analysis, plans were submitted

StockShiba, Inc. was incorporated

December 2022


Stockshiba worked hard to address the pain points of selling stock media online

Proprietary software was developed

December 2022 - February 2024


With everything in place, only loose ends are being tied up.

StockShiba has an official launch period.

2nd Quarter 2024

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